
  • Founded: 2017
  • Blockchain used: Ethereum (ETH)
  • Coin used: Ethereum (ETH)
  • Standard used: Off-chain Algorithm
  • Status: ongoing
  • Company: ponderware
"We are undertaking an Insanely Cute Operation to the moon to save the MoonCats from imminent danger, and we need your help."

"To save the MoonCats we are going to rescue them from the moon and bring them to live on the Ethereum blockchain, where they will be safe and live fulfilling MoonCat lives. We have designed a spaceship, with the latest in litterbox technology, that can fit up to 25,600 MoonCats.

If you choose to come along, then it will be up to you to scan for and rescue MoonCats to the safety of the Ethereum blockchain!".

This item was submitted on 4th February, 2019.

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