
You want to see your project's details listed on this page? Just drop us a line via Twitter or e-mail and we'll provide you with the URL to our form. For contacting us, it would be great if you could use an address or account which identifies you as representative of the you intend to submit.

How to submit contents

The following is a slightly reduced version of the content/tags we will ask you to provide in our submission form. If you'd like to submit to B.A.D, please contact us via Twitter or email.


  • Name of the submitted item
  • Logo / photo / image
  • Item is...
  • Item deals with...
  • Short description


  • Blockchain used
  • Standard used
  • Token used
  • Coin used

Location & runtime

  • Location / country
  • Year start
  • Year end

Organisation and staff behind

  • Company / institution / organization / community behind
  • People behind

Contact / social / community

  • Instagram
  • Website
  • Twitter

How do you ensure transparency of submitted data?

Although B.A.D is compiled from info collected with help of almighty Google's data universe, we aim to be as transparent for contributors and users as possible. For contributors, we provide an automatically generated URL via which they have access to their submitted data after they submitted the google form. In case a contribution was made by a B.A.D member, we are happy to grant representatives of the submitted item access.

How to place ads

If you want us to advertise your blockchain art work, event, dApp or otherwise, please contact us via Twitter or email. We are happy to offer you a daily, weekly or monthly plan that fits your needs.

Sign-up to the BAD newsletter on Substack.

Sign up

© 2018-2024 B.A.DImprintPrivacy

BAD 2.0 would not have been possible without the tremendous support from the directory contributors and our Gitcoin patrons. If you’d like to add, edit or change anything, please email us at We are grateful to the Web3 community, who continues to support BAD.