

  • Founded: 2018
  • Blockchain used: Bitcoin (BTC)
  • Coin used: Bitcoin (BTC)
  • Further: Blockstack account needed
  • Location: Brighton, UK; Berlin, Germany
  • Status: ongoing
"Radicle peer to peer marketplaces are a new way of creating and managing the lifecycle of art online."

"We build on the solid foundations of Bitcoin blockchain to provide an open and transparent environment in which to trade safely and fairly, that allows us to solve plagiarism of digital artwork. Radicle places artists at the heart of the online art world."

This item was submitted on 1st June, 2019.

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BAD 2.0 would not have been possible without the tremendous support from the directory contributors and our Gitcoin patrons. If you’d like to add, edit or change anything, please email us at bchainartdir@protonmail.com. We are grateful to the Web3 community, who continues to support BAD.