PIXELS by CryptoWiener

PIXELS by CryptoWiener
by Judith Seipold

Crypto Wiener's metaverse was brought to a real museum - the OK in Linz, Austria. From August 26, 2022 to February 26, 2023, visitors were invited to experience pixel art in a real life setting.

"In the exhibition, visitors become part of the digital world, learn how to move and communicate in the Metaverse and can ultimately take part of the CryptoWiener Multiverse home with them. A permanent change between the digital and analogue world. Your own mobile phone becomes a portal and guides you through the colorful virtual pixel world of CryptoWiener: from the coffee house, with Mozart at the piano, you can get to the sausage stand or the football field and meet iconic Austrian personalities at the "Meet and Greet"." (Auto-translated, taken from: https://cryptowiener.com/pixels-by-cryptowiener-ausstellung/)

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