BitCrystals Asset Creator

BitCrystals Asset Creator
  • Founded: 2018
  • Blockchain used: Bitcoin (BTC)
  • Blockchain used further: Ethereum (ETH)
  • Coin used: Bitcoin (BTC)
  • Coin used further: Ethereum (ETH)
  • Token used: BitCrystals (BCY)
  • Location: Geneva, Switzerland
  • Status:
  • Company: EverdreamSoft SA
"The BitCrystals Asset Creator is a new platform allowing people to create user-generated content."

"We want to make blockchain art creation easy for everybody. Thanks to the Bitcrystals Asset Creator, you can issue your art creation as rare collectible on the blockchain." By Shaban Shaame, Chris Moss, Nicolas Sierro,
Mikko Ohtamaa and BitCrystals.

This item was submitted on 26th January, 2019.

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