• Founded: April 2022
  • Blockchain used: Polygon (but will be crosschain on the V2 platform)
  • Coin used: MATIC
  • Location: France
  • Company / institution / organization / community behind : Reskue SAS
  • People behind : Eric Djavid and Tom Vacherat, committed developers who want to create a change in people's life.
"philanthropic digital art platform that is committed to supporting NGOs through art and technologies. At the end of March 2022, the Reskue team won a hackathon held at the 42 Paris programming school on the idea of using new technologies and art to bring innovation to non-profit fundraising and create a new experience that fosters philanthropy. We created, a platform where artists can publish collections of digital art, and at least 50% of sales will be automatically distributed to a non-profit organization listed on Reskue." (Provided by

By Mary-Jane.
This item was submitted on 25th September, 2023.

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